raed NFC loops for highline safety documentation

raed NFC loops for highline safety documentation

This is Stephan from raed - today I'd like to talk about a revolutionary innovation in highline safety.

About a month ago the sport of highlining saw the most disastrous failure of a highline rig that we ever experienced. Two highliners fell to the ground because the highline they've simultaneously been on ... failed. Not only the main line failed on them - the backup also failed without any significant resistance. After some initial research the reason for the failure was clear: The webbing they used was way beyond its prime - it was weakened by intense use and heavy exposure to the elements.

Despite clearly visible faded colors the rigging team decided to put this line up because apparently someone forgot to tell them that it had been used in a permarig for a prolonged period. This lack of information lead to a complete failure. This lack of information can kill highliners. Errare humanum est. If this happened to this experienced rigging team it might happen to anyone of us.

So at team raed we asked ourselves: Why was there no documentation about this overdue webbing? How can this be prevented in the future? We talked with gear safety professionals, with IT nerds and with our team athletes to collect their valuable input. Afterwards we tried many different options for documentation systems: Textile hang tags that you could mark with an Edding or sharpie: they just tend to bleach over time. Plastic hang tags that you could punch holes in - they're pretty annoying when sliding the leash across them. Textile "bags" sewn to the webbing to stuff the tags into - they feel like a full diaper when you step onto them. So with physical tags ruled out, we asked ourselves about digital solutions.

And we found one that is completely unnoticeable, cheap, available for everyone who owns a smartphone and super easy to use. Welcome to the future of highline safety documentation, welcome to raed NFC loops. With a strength retention of up to 100% depending on the webbing type Raed's sewn loops are not only the strongest in the market, from now on they're also a helpful piece of your webbing's lifetime documentation. Simply bring your smartphone near the NFC loop and wait for your browser to open the lifetime textpad that belongs to the loop (internet connection necessary).

The pad will show you all basic information about your webbing like Type, MBS, production date, manufacturer's recommendations and more. It will also allow you to insert your own data like days in use or damage documentation. Feel free to enter whatever you think is necessary. Once you entered the data it's automatically saved with a timestamp. All saved changes of the past can be seen in the pad's timeline. This feature helps a lot when you have a webbing in a permarig and forgot to track the days: Just take a quick glance at the timeline to see when your last data entry happened - and enter the days it was used since that day. Easy, right? The timeline is also invaluable for buyers of used gear: If you ever buy a used piece of webbing that comes with a raed NFC loop, you can easily see all changes that have ever been done to the pad. So a fraudulent deletion of data is impossible, you will always see all necessary data about this particular piece of webbing.

Raed NFC tags will be sewn into every single piece of webbing that's suitable for highline use from now on. Track your webbing's use with them. No more excuses. You will recognize raed NFC loops from the two tiny stitches that we add to the loop. We won't have anything addad to these unobtrusive stitches, since we know how annoying extra labels and other stuff can be in a highline rig. That's all I have for you today. If you'd like to learn more about raed's NFC loops, please visit our shop: https://raed-slacklines.com/sewn-loop-end Keep the balance :)

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